July  2017 41
研究論文Research Articles
Communication Personalness and Mobilization: Are Social Media More Effective Than Personal Contacts and Mass Media?
作者 陶振超
Author Chen-Chao TAO
關鍵詞 傳播個人性、強連結假說、弱連結假說、社會從眾假說、政治消費主義
Keywords communication personalness, political consumerism, social conformity hypothesis, strong-tie hypothesis, weak-tie hypothesis
摘要 個人網絡與媒體,一直被視為是重要的動員管道,促成人們參與社會運動。這兩項亦可透過社交媒體進行,但是否有同樣的動員效果,瞭解非常有限。尤其個人網絡,過去研究發現被認識的人以面對面、電話等親身接觸方式邀請(即被號召),是參與社會運動的關鍵。本文針對台灣因食品安全問題而引發的政治消費主義(即拒買),採用網絡調查檢視動員管道與參與之間的關係。結果發現,經由親身接觸被邀請仍是最有效的管道,大眾媒體無效;社交媒體作為個人網絡或媒體,亦沒有影響。結論指出,社交媒體上的個人網絡雖大,但在其上號召會公開自己對公共或政治議題的立場,願意發出號召的人有限,且多為弱連結,使得透過社交媒體被號召的動員效果不如親身接觸。
Abstract Personal networks and media are viewed as the most influential channels for social movement mobilization. Interestingly, social media play both roles, but whether they achieve the same effect of mobilization is unknown. Regarding personal networks, research has shown that being asked by acquaintances through personal contact (i.e., face-to-face and telephone) is the key determinant of social movement participation. This study used a Web survey to investigate the relationship between the channel of mobilization and participation in the context of political consumerism in Taiwan. The results showed that being asked through personal contact was still the most effective predictor of social movement participation. The results showed that mass media had no effects. Social media also failed to influence social movement participation. Although personal networks in social media are large, few members actually mobilize others to participate in social movements because they fear public disclosure of their personal political stance, and most users have weak ties. These factors lead to the ineffectiveness of appealing through personal networks on social media.


陶振超(2017)。〈傳播個人性與動員:社交媒體比親身接觸、大眾媒體更有效?〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第41 期,頁41–80。

Citation of this article:

Tao, C.-C. (2017). Communication personalness and mobilization: Are social media more effective than personal contacts and mass media?. Communication & Society, 41, 41–80.
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