July  2017 41
Chinese Communication Journals in the Digital Age: Development and Challenges
作者 主持人:陳韜文、黃煜
Author Moderators: Joseph M. CHAN, Yu HUANG
Abstract This is a roundtable attended by editors of the major communication journals published in the Chinese societies of mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The first set of topics pertains to the organization and operation of the journals, including their positioning, review system, status of submissions, criteria for acceptance, setup of special issues, and the impact of citation statistics on the journals. Most journals have already adopted the double-blind review method. The journals differ in how they combine academic and practical pursuits and whether they follow their governments' policy concerns. The inclusion of journals in citation databanks is the trend to come. It serves to enhance a journal's competitiveness as a venue for quality articles. The second set of topics relates to the challenges facing the journals, the trend of studies, and the changing roles of journals in the digital age. One common problem facing the journals is the difficulty in the solicitation of reviewers. There is no question that digital media studies have become an overwhelming subject for communication researchers. Many editors agree that conceptual and theoretical contribution of such studies remain to be articulated. They are also concerned about how the journals can ride on the digital tide to improve themselves in terms of openness, timeliness and accessibility.


陳韜文、程曉萱(編)(2017)。〈數字時代華人傳播學術期刊的發展與挑戰〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第41 期,頁1–40。

Citation of this article:

Chan, J. M., & Cheng, D. X. (Eds.). (2017). Chinese communication journals in the digital age: Development and challenges. Communication & Society, 41, 1–40.
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