April  2017 40
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Exploring Agenda Diversity in New Media Events: A Comparative Study of 12 Newspapers across China
作者 周葆華、呂舒寧
Author Baohua ZHOU, Shuning LU
關鍵詞 新媒體事件、議程多元性、新聞範式、地區差異、比較研究
Keywords new media event, agenda diversity, journalistic paradigm, China
摘要 「新媒體事件」在很大程度上仍然必須藉由傳統媒體進入公共議程。本研究通過對中國大陸12家報紙的內容分析(樣本量 = 2,534),以「議程多元性」為核心概念,實證地考察傳統媒體對「新媒體事件」的報導情況。總體上,新媒體事件已經成為中國報紙新聞報導的重要內容,不過具體的滲入程度因地區發達程度、新聞範式不同而異。報紙所在地區越發達,其報導的新媒體事件數量就越多;相對於黨報,都市報在吸納新媒體事件時明顯更積極。都市報在議題、類型、地域分布上的內部多元性都要高於黨報。新媒體事件本身的整體外部多元性較高,而越是內陸,當地黨報和都市報在報導新媒體事件時越離散,東部發達地區黨報和都市報的新媒體事件報導融合度則更高。相比於黨報,各都市報之間的趨同性更強。研究並對如何進行更深入的「新媒體事件」比較研究進行了討論。
Abstract Mainstream journalism has reacted to the proliferation of new media events in China. The current study focuses on agenda diversity as a core concept in the systematic analysis of the content of the news coverage of new media events (N = 2,534) reported in 12 Chinese newspapers. The findings revealed that new media events, which are sometimes regarded as controversial and sensitive issues in China, were largely incorporated into the news coverage by mainstream newspapers. However, the manner in which the newspapers covered such events was limited, unstable, and fragmented, depending on the newspapers' socio-geographic locations and journalistic paradigms. In terms of internal diversity, newspapers in eastern China covered more diverse new media events than those in western and central China covered. Moreover, the internal diversity of new media events covered by the party media lagged behind those covered by market-oriented media. Furthermore, the discrepancy of internal diversity between party and market-oriented newspapers in the same locality was much greater in central or western China than in eastern China. The analysis of external diversity revealed a fragmented pattern; more than four-fifths of all 1,488 new media events were reported by only one newspaper. The newspapers in western and central China showed higher external diversity than those in eastern China. Market-oriented newspapers were more likely to converge in terms of their coverage of new media events, issues, and types than party newspapers were. The implications of the findings and recommendations for future research directions are discussed.


周葆華、呂舒寧(2017)。〈「新媒體事件」傳統媒體報導的多元性:基於中國大陸12份報紙內容的比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第40 期,頁135–168。

Citation of this article:

Zhou, B., & Lu, S. (2017). Exploring agenda diversity in new media events: A comparative study of 12 newspapers across China. Communication & Society, 40, 135–168.
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