April  2017 40
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
New Media Event in Collective Memory (2002–2014): A Perspective on Sentiment Analysis
作者 鍾智錦、林淑金、劉學燕、楊雅琴
Author Zhijin ZHONG, Shujin LIN, Xueyan LIU, Yaqin YANG
關鍵詞 集體記憶、情緒、新媒體事件
Keywords collective memory, emotion, new media event
摘要 本研究在集體記憶理論、情緒理論和話語機會結構理論的基礎上,分析不同類型和結局的新媒體事件在網民話語中遺留的情緒記憶。本研究建立了2002–2014年間262個新媒體事件的數庫,爬取了涉及該事件的新浪微博,並通過LIWC軟件分析微博文本中蘊含的情緒。研究發現,人們對新媒體事件的記憶與傳統媒體的報道呈正相關。事故災難、食品藥品安全類在網民集體記憶建構過程中出現的次數最為頻繁;公民倡導和愛國主義事件最能夠激發集體記憶中的正情緒;惡性違法和社會治安問題帶來的焦慮和憤怒情緒最為明顯;反映制度不公和社會階層矛盾的事件的敏感性降低了其在社交媒體中被討論的話語機會。引發社會救助的事件儘管體現了社會的「正能量」,但同時也會遺留悲傷情緒;一旦新媒體事件導致了人員入獄、人員死亡,或者改變了政府的決策,網民會產生明顯的憤怒情緒,而將官員拉下馬的新媒體事件能夠顯著地緩解人們的憤怒情緒;導致人員入獄和人員死亡的新媒體事件更可能遺留焦慮情緒。
Abstract New media events have become an important topic of research that explores the influence of the Internet on Chinese society. This quantitative study applies the collective memory theory, the emotion theory, and the discourse opportunity theory to examine new media events. The users of social media are also the writers of collective memory, and the discourse on social media could be seen as comprising the text of collective memory. When people discuss a specific new media event, they express their own emotions, which they share with their social networks online. We built a new media event database including 262 important new media events from 2002 to 2014, and we coded the types and outcomes of the events. We then collected data from Sina Weibo using the keywords of the events on Python. We used LIWC, a software that is widely implemented in sentiment analyses, to obtain interesting findings. First, the more that a specific event was reported by conventional media, the more it was discussed on social media. Second, different types of new media events produced different impressions and emotions in the collective memory. Specifically, events that were characterized by citizen advocacy and nationalism were the most likely to elicit positive emotions. Accidents, disasters, and events related to food and drug safety were the most frequently mentioned. Events that were related to crime and social security were the most likely to provoke negative emotions, especially anger and anxiety. Accidents and natural disasters elicited the most sadness in the collective memory. However, new media events caused by structural contradictions or the injustice of the society were not discussed frequently, which was an unexpected finding. The results suggest that people care more about the events that are close to their daily lives than events that reflect social problems. The results also indicated that topics about social structure or social institutions are politically risky, which reduced the amount of related discourse on social media. Furthermore, the outcomes of new media events were also related to emotions in the collective memory. When the events caused the death of people or changed the policies or decisions of the government, they raised feelings of anger in the collective memory, while the fall of officials reduced such feelings. Anxiety existed in the collective memory of events caused death or imprisonment. The events that increase social support elicited sadness in the collective memory although the outcome was positive.


鍾智錦、林淑金、劉學燕、楊雅琴(2017)。〈集體記憶中的新媒體事件(2002–2014):情緒分析的視角〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第40 期,頁105–134。

Citation of this article:

Zhong, Z., Lin, S., Liu, X., & Yang, Y. (2017). New media event in collective memory (2002–2014): A perspective on sentiment analysis. Communication & Society, 40, 105–134.

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