January  2017 39
傳播論壇Communication Forum
On the Disciplinary Legitimacy of Public Relations in Mainland China: A Comparative Perspective
作者 黃懿慧
Author Yi-Hui Christine HUANG
關鍵詞 公共關係、學科正當性、公關教育、公關研究、比較視角
Keywords public relations, discipline legitimacy, public relations education, public relations industry, comparative study
摘要 中國大陸與美國的公共關係學科發展,基本上都經歷了為建立學科正當性奮戰的過程。值得關注的是,雖然中、美的公共關係學科在發展初期曾面臨類似的困境,但當前卻有著相當不同的發展結果。本文採用雙個案研究法,比較美國與中國大陸公共關係學科發展進程。論文旨在整合公共關係教育、行業乃至於學術研究等面向,探討學科正當性問題。論文借鏡美國發展進程,探討中國大陸公共關係學科定位,並對未來學術研究提出展望。中國公關之學術共同體、學會與發表平台的不健全發展是公共關係學科發展滯後的因素之一。然而,學科之學術研究力滯後則是挑戰公共關係學科正當性的更深層因素。概括而言,中國公共關係研究明顯有褊狹化現象,存在研究法單一(以定性研究為主)、實證性低、實務取向、理論性弱、發表管道單一,以及援引文獻欠缺一手資料等問題。文末提出對中國大陸公關研究與理論體系建設之建議與展望。
Abstract A tug of war to establish public relations (PR) as a legitimate academic discipline has occurred in both the United States and Mainland China. Scholars in the American and Chinese PR discipline have encountered similar challenges in the early stage of discipline development. The current status as a result of development in the two contexts, however, presents a surprising contrast. Against this background, the present study aims to investigate the issue of legitimacy underlying the PR discipline. In particular, the author builds an analytical framework by incorporating the dimensions of PR education, industry practice, and academic research. With the mirror of the PR discipline development in the Western academic context, the positioning of the Chinese PR discipline is discussed. A dual-case study approach is adopted to compare and contrast the different development of the PR discipline in the United States and Mainland China. This study proposes that the collective academic community in the Chinese PR discipline and the underdeveloped intellectual associations and research publishing platforms have led the Chinese PR discipline to lag behind. More importantly, the lack of improvement in the discipline's research ability remains the deepest reason limiting the legitimate claim for the Chinese PR discipline. The findings indicate that the Chinese PR discipline research tends to reflect (1) a narrow scope of research; (2) features a lack of method triangulation (qualitative methods were mostly used as the only method); (3) is practically oriented and non-empirical without theoretical advancement; (4) lacks primary data and appropriate citation of references; and (5) shows a lack of diverse publishing channels. This study sheds light on the direction for the advancement of Chinese PR research and theoretical constructions.


黃懿慧(2017)。〈從比較視角探討中國大陸公共關係學科發展之正當性〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第39 期,頁221–256。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y.-H. C. (2017). On the disciplinary legitimacy of public relations in mainland China: A comparative perspective. Communication & Society, 39, 221–256.
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