January  2017 39
研究論文Research Articles
新媒體語境下黨媒的傳播調適與「文化領導權」重建: 對《人民日報》微博的研究(2012–2014)
Reconstructing Hegemony in the Context of New Media: The Weibo Account of People
作者 李艷紅、龍強
Author Yanhong LI, Qiang LONG
關鍵詞 政黨調適、人民日報微博、黨媒、文化領導權
Keywords party adaptation, People's Daily's micro-blog, party media, cultural hegemony
摘要 本文考察了自社交媒體興起以來,中共中央黨報《人民日報》在社交媒體平台上所創建的帳號「@人民日報」。在本文中,我們將其視為中國執政黨調適的一種表現,是自新媒體興起對傳統政黨宣傳體系構成衝擊、造成「傳播失靈」之後進行的一種反應性創建。本文的任務即是要考察,這一作為結構性調適之傳播平台的創建究竟是否、以及如何體現了傳播模式的調適?它如何通過調適來解決滿足民眾訴求與滿足黨國訴求之間的內在衝突?如何對這一調適進行解讀?通過考察人民日報微博在兩個議題:拆遷議題以及農民工議題上的表現,本文發現,其在新聞報道範式、修辭模式和話語內涵上均進行了策略性調適。通過吸納和依托社交媒體平台的技術屬性,人民日報微博創造出了一種以象徵性的「正義表達」為核心、以情感激發為訴求,以民粹話語的表達為出口的策略性傳播模式。這一模式得以幫助執政黨在開放和回應民意的同時增強政體的合法性,重建黨媒的文化領導權,從而暫時化解民眾訴求與黨國訴求之間的內在矛盾。正是通過創造這一平台與模式,並與核心黨報的典型角色互補,執政黨得以構築一個雙層化的傳播體系。這一傳播調適因而也構成了增進中國「彈性威權政體」的因素,但是這一取得了暫時性平衡的傳播模式是否可持續,仍有待觀察。
Abstract Herein we present a case study on the micro-blog account of People's Daily (@PD), the CCP's central newspaper in Sina Weibo. We see the emergence of @PD as the party's response to the rise of new forms of media, and recognize its potential impact on the traditional party propaganda system. This study aimed to explore whether such news platforms represent the adaptation of a new communication model, and if so, how. We also sought to interpret the observations within the context of party adaption. By analyzing @PD's coverage of two important issues, we found that @PD makes strategic adjustments to both their coverage paradigm and rhetoric modes, as well as discourse connotation, revealing a new communication model that can solve the internal conflict that arises from serving the people and the party at the same time. With this communication model—utilized in conjunction with more traditional modes of party communication—the party is thus able to establish a two-tiered communication system aimed at re-establishing its hegemony in a new media realm. This adaption of party media can be seen as enhancing the resilience of the Chinese authoritarian regime.


李艷紅、龍強(2017)。〈新媒體語境下黨媒的傳播調適與「文化領導權」重建:對《人民日報》微博的研究(2012–2014)〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第39 期,頁157–187。

Citation of this article:

Li, Y., & Long, Q. (2017). Reconstructing hegemony in the context of new media: The Weibo account of People's Daily and its communicational adaptation (2012–2014). Communication & Society, 39, 157–187.
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