January  2017 39
研究論文Research Articles
Reconsidering the Measures of Social Capital in Modern China and Examining Its Relationships with Different Communication Channels
作者 蔣亞隆、曹博林
Author Yalong JIANG, Bolin CAO
關鍵詞 社會資本、傳播渠道、中國
Keywords social capital, communication channels, China
摘要 華裔學者將社會資本定義為親、友、信層層外推形成「差序格局」的社會關係網,而外國學者則認為社會資本是個人的社會組織參與。本文認為在中國社會現代化轉型背景下傳統關係社會資本和現代組織社會資本都存在。本文利用CGSS 2006 年數據探究了中國人的社會資本的基本情况,並利用理性選擇理論以及不確定性消除理論等理論假設探究了影響個人社會資本的因素。結果顯示中國個人的組織社會資本積累與他們自己的關係社會資本積累以及發達國家個人的組織社會資本積累都有明顯差距。三種傳播渠道的使用與兩種社會資本關係都有比較顯著的相關關係,且在方向和大小都各有不同。相比線上渠道使用,線下渠道使用與關係社會資本增長的相關性更高;相比線下渠道使用,線上渠道使用與組織社會資本相關性更高。本文還討論了相關發現的意義。
Abstract Chinese scholars often conceptualize social capital as personal social networks, which include kinsfolk, friends, and acquaintances, while non-Chinese scholars define social capital as organizational participation. In view of the social transformation in contemporary China, we propose in this article that social capital in the context of contemporary China should both include traditional guanxi and organizational social capital. Relying on the rational choice theory, we argue that the usage of communication channels is likely associated with the accumulation of social capital. Data were retrieved from a Chinese general social survey in 2006, and the results revealed that the organizational social capital that Chinese people possessed was generally far lower than the social capital in their traditional guanxi social network. Different communication channels were all significantly associated with both Chinese people's guanxi and organizational social capital, but with different directions and valences. Compared with online communication channels, the usage of offline channels can contribute to accumulating more guanxi social network. On the other hand, communicating online can lead to greater accumulation of organizational social capital than communicating offline. The implications of this study are discussed.


蔣亞隆、曹博林(2017)。〈當代中國情境下社會資本測量的再思考及其與傳播渠道關係的實證研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第39 期,頁133–156。

Citation of this article:

Jiang, Y., & Cao, B. (2017). Reconsidering the measures of social capital in modern China and examining its relationships with different communication channels. Communication & Society, 39, 133–156.
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