January  2017 39
Journalism, Journalists and Global Comparative Studies
作者 對談人:托馬斯.漢尼馳、李立峯
Author Discussants: Thomas HANITZSCH, Francis L. F. LEE
摘要 「新聞業是一個向社會提供特殊服務的社會制度。為了在概念上成為一個『記者』,一個人必須在特定的新聞業制度框架中行動,有特定的規範和實踐。這個定義可以靈活地回應新聞這社會制度的變化。部分公民記者可能因此被算作記者(如果他們服膺於新聞的制度框架),而另一些可能不算。亦即是說,公民記者(或者任何普通人)都要為自己『掙得』能被視為『記者』的權利。」
Abstract Professor Thomas Hanitzsch, a leading scholar in the field of comparative journalism studies and initiator-cum-coordinator of the Worlds of Journalism Study project, shares in this dialogue his academic trajectory and views and experiences on comparative journalism research. He discusses how the practices of comparative studies can alleviate the problem of ethnocentrism in journalism and communication studies, and how comparative studies have informed his own conceptual thinking about certain core issues facing the changing field of journalism, such as theorization of journalism culture, typology of journalism's social and professional roles, and the very basic question of definitions of "journalist" and "journalism."


李立峯(編)(2017)。〈新聞業、新聞記者與全球比較研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第39 期,頁1–27。

Citation of this article:

Lee, F. L. F. (2017). Journalism, journalists and global comparative studies. Communication & Society, 39, 1–27.
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