October  2016 38
研究論文Research Articles
Examining the Effects of an Organization’s Power Exercises on Relationship Outcomes from the Perspective of Consumers
作者 劉正道
Author Cheng-Tao LIU
關鍵詞 公關策略、社會權力、關係管理、關係結果、權力運用
Keywords public relations strategy, social power, relationship management, relationship outcome, power exercise
摘要 本文從消費者觀點檢視組織權力的運用模式及其對管理消費者關係的影響。根據隨機電訪20 歲以上、居住於臺灣五都的368 位民眾評估所經常消費或必須往來之公民營企業、公司或行號使用權力的方式及其影響,顯示組織雖然會使用「資訊權」、「法定權」、「獎賞權」及「強制權」管理消費者關係,但是,僅「資訊權」及「獎賞權」會對關係結果產生正面影響,而「強制權」則會導致負面關係結果。
Abstract This study examines the effects of an organization's power exercises on managing relations with their consumers. A telephone survey of 368 citizens aged above 20 years and living in five major cities in Taiwan was conducted to collect data about their perceptions of public and private companies or firms with which they had any kind of relationship. The results indicated that organizations that interacted with targeted publics used information power, legitimate power, reward power, and coercive power. Only information power, reward power, and coercive power affected the outcomes of relationships with the respondents in this study. The results indicated that the use of information power caused greater and more positive influences than the use of reward power on relationship outcomes, and the use of coercive power negatively affected relationship outcomes.


劉正道(2016)。〈從消費者觀點檢視組織權力運用對消費者關係管理之影響〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第38 期,頁83–112。

Citation of this article:

Liu, C.-T. (2016). Examining the effects of an organization’s power exercises on relationship outcomes from the perspective of consumers. Communication & Society, 38, 83–112.
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