October  2016 38
研究論文Research Articles
The Media Communicative Effect of Helping in an Emergency: An Example of Disaster News
作者 羅雁紅、鍾宜珈
Author Yen-Hung LO, Yi-Jia CHUNG
關鍵詞 不確定性、立即直接利他意願、向下比較、災難新聞、急迫性
Keywords disaster news, uncertainty, promptly directive altruistic intention, downward social comparison, urgency
摘要 本研究探討新聞媒體如何在緊急事件下發揮媒介溝通效果而影響閱聽眾之助人意願。以電視災難新聞的不同特性為模擬情境影片,進行實驗操作,將向下比較視為中介變數,探討對立即直接利他意願之影響。結果顯示新聞媒體報導時,閱聽眾越感受到傳播出災難新聞特性,越會有社會比較效果,且向下比較發揮中介角色對立即直接利他意願產生正面影響。其中,急迫性具最大綜效。新聞媒體扮演社會教育的角色,另有助於緊急災難事件之相關協助。
Abstract The study develops the experimental scenario of a disaster news film and a questionnaire to test the communicative effects of the four different characteristics of disaster news on the audience’s promptly directive altruistic intention via the mediating variable of social comparison. The research results showed that the news media communicated different characteristics of the disaster news. The more that the audiences perceived these characteristics, the more they reported a downward social comparison. In addition, the downward social comparison had a mediating effect on the promptly directive altruistic intention. Among the characteristics, urgency had the greatest effect on altruistic intention. The news media plays the role of social education and supplies relevant assistance when the emergent disaster occurs.



Citation of this article:

Lo, Y.-H., & Chung, Y.-J. (2016). The media communicative effect of helping in an emergency: An example of disaster news. Communication & Society, 38, 37–82.
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