October  2008 5
研究論文Research Articles
Information “Society”: Theories and Reality, Models and Reflection
作者 邱林川
Author Jack Linchuan QIU
關鍵詞 信息社會、信息中下階層、中低端信息傳播技術、中國模式、社會創新
Keywords information society, information have-less, working-class ICTs, the Chinese model, social innovation
摘要 本文主旨是藉梳理有關信息社會(又譯資訊社會)的基本理論概念、整合現有實證研究成果來對中國信息社會研究進行反思。文章首先對外國理論和中國該領域的學術發展進行回顧與點評,而後以中低端信息傳播技術的普及和隨之出現的新社會階層──『信息中下階層』──為重點,對中國信息社會的現實進行重新審視。之後本文藉對比發達國家和其他發展中國家來探討中國模式的特殊性和普遍性,尤其是社會創新問題與信息傳播技術分層化發展的總體趨勢。
Abstract The main purpose of this article is (1) to examine the basic theoretical issues of information society and (2) to reflect on the status of research regarding information society in China based on recent empirical evidence. Beginning with a review of general theories and an assessment of information society studies

inside the country, it re-evaluates social realities in the Chinese context while emphasizing the diffusion of working-class information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the concomitant rise of a new social stratum, the information have-less. The article then explores the distinctiveness and

universality of the Chinese model of information society in comparison with other models and developments in advanced information societies as well as the developing world. Particular attention is paid to the question of social innovation, the stratification of ICTs, and the interplay between the two.
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