October  2007 4
研究論文Research Articles
Negotiating Fragmented Women’s News: State, Market, and Feminism in Contemporary Chinese Media
作者 陳陽
Author CHEN Yang
關鍵詞 女性新聞、中國新聞界、新聞生產
Keywords women’s news, Chinese journalism, news production
摘要 本文認為,當代中國女性新聞以『碎片化』的方式被再現出來,並且從六個方面概括了『碎片化女性新聞』的涵義。接著,文章又從個體、職業常規和體制三個層面入手,聚焦於女性主義、國家和市場三者之間的互動,認為這是造成女性新聞轉變的原因。由於國家和市場內在地都具有男性氣質,因此女性主義面對的是一個『國家──市場結合體』。跟國家和市場相比,女性主義對媒體的影響相當微弱,在雙重壓力之下,它關於媒體轉型的目標還有很長的路要走。
Abstract This study finds that contemporary women’s news in China is characterized by fragmentation, and defines the meaning of “fragmented women’s news” with six indicators. When distinguishing between the individual, professional, and institutional levels, this study pays attention to the complicated interactions between feminism, state and market to illuminate the reasons behind women’s news transformation. Due to the immanent masculinity of both state and market, feminism in China has to face a state-market complex, a double pressure. Compared with state and market, the influence of feminism on journalism is quite weak and there is much work to be done before feminism realizes its own agenda for media transformation.
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