July  2007 3
Professionalism, Press Freedom and Market Force: Stability and Change in the Hong Kong Journalism Industry after the Handover
作者 蘇鑰機
Author Clement Y. K. SO
關鍵詞 香港新聞工作者、傳媒專業主義、新聞自由、自我審查、市場力量
Keywords Hong Kong journalists, media professionalism, press freedom, selfcensorship, market force
摘要 比較1996至2006年三次香港新聞工作者調查所得的結果,我們發現雖然香港社會有很大變化,但新聞工作者信奉的專業主義理念(media professionalism)仍然存在。然而,傳媒的整體表現未如理想,傳媒公信力(media credibility)下降,自我審查(self-censorship)又上升。造成個人專業主義理念守尊崇而傳媒表現欠佳的這種矛盾現象的原因有很多,其中包括新聞教育的普及、香港新聞自由傳統面臨的挑戰、新聞工作者在作業時必須的自保策略、傳媒市場作為平衡政治壓力的力量等。上述因素的互相激盪,勾畫了過去10年香港新聞也變化的軌跡。
Abstract A comparison of three surveys of Hong Kong journalists from 1996 to 2006 finds that media professionalism remains intact in spite of significant sociopolitical changes. However, the media’s performance has been in doubt as reflected in credibility decline and rising self-censorship. Factors accounting for this apparent disjunction between journalists’ professionalism and overall media performance include the proliferation of journalism education, the entrenchment of press freedom in Hong Kong’s political culture, the journalists’ need for a selfdefense and survival strategy, and the media market as a balancing force of political pressure. It is the interplay of all these factors that matters.
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