July  2007 3
“Social Order” Vs. “Civil Space” — Comparative Analysis of Media Discourses in Hong Kong
作者 谷淑美
Author Agnes S. KU
關鍵詞 公民社會、大眾傳媒、法治、霸權、香港
Keywords civil society, mass media, rule of law, hegemony, Hong Kong
摘要 回歸以來,強調「社會秩序」的主導論述,及以「公民社會」為中心的對抗論述正逐鹿香港的政治場域。兩者均被大眾傳媒摻入若干意識形態、市場策略及其他實際的考慮因素,在互動的過程中塑造著公民空間的界限和特性。本文旨在透過三個案例,探討大眾傳媒在香港論述場域中多變的角色、及對公民社會發展的啟示。
Abstract This article examines the role of the mass media in the discursive field of civil society in Hong Kong with reference to three case studies. The civil space is defined and re-defined through the interplay between a dominant discourse of order versus chaos on the one hand and an opposition discourse of civil society on the other, both being mixed with certain ideological, pragmatic and marketing

considerations by the mass media.
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