July  2007 3
Local Identity and Nationalism: Surveys on Hong Kong Cultural Identification 1996–2006
作者 馬傑偉、馮應謙
Author MA Kit Wai, Eric, FUNG Ying Him, Anthony
關鍵詞 國族身份、文化身份、跨境聯繫、身份標記
Keywords national identity, cultural identity, transborder connections, identity Icons
摘要 根據1996至2006年期間進行的六次調查,我們首先勾劃出香港人不斷轉變的國族身份,探究港人認為構成「香港人」和「內地人」的元素,從而更瞭解建構「自我」和「他者」的複雜性。在經濟價值方面,香港人和大陸人的分別已慢慢消失,但在政治價值方面仍有明顯不同。本文一方面從調查所得的結果分析文化轉變,另一方面在收集數據的過程中,重新考慮我們在早期預設的本土/國族對立框架。這種前後對比、反思,期望可對十年調查結果又更仔細及多層次的動態分析。
Abstract Survey results show that more Hong Kong people claim a mixed identity, seeing themselves as both Hongkongers and Chinese. Their perceptions of Hong Kong-mainland differences are disappearing in terms of economic values but are still conspicuous in terms of political values. They identify more with the cultural and historical aspects of their national identity; political identification remains weak. The authors try to problematize the once dominant mediated local-national dichotomy and propose a multidimensional understanding of the formations of Hong Kong’s national identity.
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