January  2007 1
架構分析Framing Analysis
Toward an Integrative Perspective
作者 潘忠黨
Author Zhongdang Pan
關鍵詞 框架,架構,架構分析,話語,公共商議,社會建構主義
Keywords frame, framing, framing analysis, discourse, public deliberation, social constructionism
摘要 架構分析(framing analysis)亟需理論的澄清與整合。為此目的,本文討論了架構分析的理論基礎和基本命題,試圖澄清框架(frame)和架構(framing)的概念。在此基礎上,本文綜合、分析了新聞架構研究三大範疇的文獻:框架在新聞中的呈現,架構效應及其心理機制,架構在話語行動中的結構作用。本文提出,架構分析是一個關於人們在建構社會現實中如何交往的研究領域,為研究我們如何展開公共生活,提供了一個動態的整體考察思、言、行的思路。
Abstract Framing analysis needs theoretical clarification and integration. For this purpose, this paper discusses the theoretical foundations and problematics of framing analysis, explicates the concepts of “frame” and “framing,” reviews and analyzes the literatures in three areas of news framing analysis: frames and framing in news representation, framing effects and psychological mechanisms, and the structuring of discursive practices in public life via framing. Synthesizing the literatures in these areas, this paper argues that framing analysis is an area of research on how people interact in the construction of social reality. It offers a unique theoretical perspective that considers cognition, discourse, and practices in an integrated dynamic.
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