January  2007 1
研究論文Research Articles
Media Literacy, Political Cognition, Media Functions and Media Use: An Analysis of Their Theoretical Connections
作者 郭中實; 周葆華 ; 陸曄
Author GUO Zhongshi, ZHOU Baohua, LU Ye
關鍵詞 媒介素養、政治認知、媒介功能、媒介使用、媒介素養技能
Keywords media literacy, political cognition, perceived media functions, media literacy skills
摘要 本文對「媒介素養」進行了概念化闡釋,并將媒介素養定義框定在媒介素養技能與媒介生產相關知識兩個維度里,試圖探討這兩個維度與個人的政治認知、受眾眼中的媒介功能與受眾媒介使用習慣之間的理論關係。我們在廣東省佛山市進行了抽樣調查,對477個當地居民面訪資料的分析結果發現,受眾的政治認知和對媒介規範性功能的看法都含有多個維度。這些維度與媒介使用習慣一起對媒介素養各個維度產生著直接或間接的影響。
Abstract This paper explicates the concept of media literacy within the confines of two dimensions, skills and knowledge. It explores the theoretical connections between the two dimensions and individuals’ political cognition, perceived media functions, and media use habits. A face-to-face sample survey was conducted in Foshan, Guangdong Province on 477 respondents. Major findings provide evidence for multiple dimensions of key concepts. Different patterns of political cognition, perceived media functions as well as media use variables relate to media literacy dimensions both directly and indirectly. Although data analyses show mixed results, conceptually distinct dimensions receive significant operational support.
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