January  2008 6
特邀論文Invited Papers
Industrialization Analysis on Thirty Years’ Vicissitudes of China’s Radio and Television Media
作者 黃升民、周艷、宋紅梅
Author Huang Shengmin, Zhou Yan, Song Hongmei
關鍵詞 廣電行業、產業化、三大矛盾
Keywords broadcasting industry, industrialization, three contradictions
摘要 從1978年開始,中國廣電行業開始了產業化的進程,期間經過1978-1989、1990-1997、1998-2003、2003至今這四個階段。在這個進程中,廣電行業的三大矛盾,即事業與產業、中央與地方、數字與模擬之間的矛盾,逐漸形成;在這四個不同階段,它們以不同的形式,相互裹挾、相互作用,共同左右著行業的發展,使中國廣電行業逐漸構建出了自己的力量格局與發展軌跡。這些也就是當下可以賦予產業化這個理論概念的內涵。
Abstract China’s broadcasting sector has been in an industrialization process since 1978. The period since then can be divided into four phases: 1978–1989, 1990–1997, 1998–2003, and 2003 till now. Along with the four phases come the three main contradictions that constitute the dynamics of changes. They are: contradictions between public service and industrial characters of the sector, central and regional media, digital and analog technologies. These three contradictions interacted with one another to influence the development of the industry; their interactions took different forms and patterns in different phases of the industrialization process, shaping, consequently, the trajectory of this process. These are the substances of China’s broadcasting industrialization that we can discern so far.
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