April  2009 8
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Depoliticized Politics and the Question of Publicity of Mass Media
作者 汪 暉
Author Wang Hui
關鍵詞 去政治化,公共性,大眾傳媒,國— 黨體制,階級
Keywords depoliticization, publicity, mass media, state-party system, class
摘要 在全球化和市場化條件下,當代中國和世界正經歷着一個去政治化過程。作者以「去政治化的政治」這一概念描述當代政黨政治、國家角色和其他二十世紀形成的政治形態的蛻變和轉化。文章從「去政治化的政治」的角度分析了大眾傳媒的公共性危機。
Abstract Contemporary China and the world are going through a process of depoliticization in the condition of globalization and marketization. The author uses the concept of “depoliticized politics” to describe the metamorphosis and transformation of party politics, the role of the state and other political formations of the twentieth century. This paper analyzes the crisis of the publicity of mass media from the perspective of “depoliticized politics”.
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