July  2009 9
研究論文Research Articles
真實的謊言:抵制家樂福事件中的新媒體 謠言分析
True Lies: An Analysis of New Media Rumors Regarding “Anti-Carrefour” Event
作者 周裕瓊
Author Yuqiong ZHOU
關鍵詞 謠言、新媒體、家樂福、輿論、公民參與
Keywords rumor, new media, Carrefour, public opinion, citizen participation
摘要 2008 年,中國經歷了重重危機和挑戰。與之相伴,互聯網和手機短信上造謠傳謠的風潮也是此起彼伏。本文以2008 年4、5 月抵制家樂福事件中出現的新媒體謠言為切入點,在文本分析、內容分析和二手訪談資料的基礎上,探討系列化謠言背後的真實訴求,並研究網民和媒體是如何建構謠言傳播所必需的模糊性。然後,本文考察了社會政治生活中的各個主體—網民、媒體、政府、社會商業機構—是如何在輿論場中進行博弈,或相互質疑批判,或相互援引利用,最終使新媒體謠言成為公民社會參與的新載體。
Abstract China witnessed dozens of crises and challenges in 2008, as well as waves of rumoring through the Internet and mobile phone SMS. This article focuses on new media rumors regarding the “Anti-Carrefour” events that took place in April and May 2008. Based on text analysis, content analysis and second-hand interview data, this article explores the true appeals of the series of rumors, and examines how netizens and media construct the ambiguity that is indispensable to the spread of rumor. In addition, this article demonstrates that different parties of social political practices — netizens, media, government, and social / business institution — are gambling with public opinion discourse by refuting each other at one time and supporting each other at another time. Such gambling eventually makes the new media rumor a new form of citizens’ social participation.
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