July  2009 9
研究論文Research Articles
公民新聞2.0:台灣公民新聞與 「新農業文化再造」形塑之初探
Citizen Journalism 2.0: Exploring Citizen Journalism and “the Reshaping of New Agricultural Culture” in Taiwan
作者 孫曼蘋
Author SUN Mine Ping
關鍵詞 社區傳播、新科技與社區傳播、社區賦權、社區總體營造、 公民新聞、農業新聞
Keywords Community communication, ICT & community communication, empowerment of community, community development, citizen journalism, agriculture journalism
摘要 本研究從參與式傳播、社區賦權兩個面向,解釋台灣南部菁寮社區如何透過公民新聞,形塑其特有的新農業文化。本研究藉由參與式觀察、深度訪問和線上公民新聞閱讀及分析以蒐集資料。研究指出,透過公民新聞平台之平等參與、分享、互動,可以讓「無聲之人發聲」、讓基層社區的行動力被外界看見,並贏得外界肯定及尊敬、促進在地商機、引進政府資源,並取得在地文化詮釋權,進而促進社區及社會改變。
Abstract This paper examines how online multi-media citizen journalism reshapes a new culture in Gingliao, an agricultural community in southern Taiwan. Using the two approaches of participatory communication and community empowerment, the study illustrates ways in which local villagers’ voices and images can be seen and heard by the outside world when citizen reporters presented news footages to the PeoPo platform of the Public Television Service. By participating in local public lives and reporting continuously on community activities, the community has gained esteem from the rest of the society, government financial support, and the rights to interpret its local culture. Data in this paper are obtained from my participatory observations, in-depth interviews, and analysis of online citizen news.
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