October  2009 10
研究論文Research Articles
Knowledge, Attitude, and Home Internet Adoption in Rural Society
作者 張明新、韋路
Author ZHANG Mingxin, WEI Lu
關鍵詞 互聯網、中國鄉村、知識、態度、採納
Keywords Internet, rural China, knowledge, attitude, adoption
摘要 鄉村社會的家庭互聯網採納現象應受到學界更多關注。本研究試圖通過構建結構方程模型來解釋中國大陸鄉村居民的家庭互聯網採納。通過對湖北鄉村地區480 名受訪者的問卷調查,本研究證實了「知識」變數在鄉村家庭互聯網採納過程中的關鍵性作用。互聯網在中國鄉村社會的低採納率直接受制于鄉村居民關於互聯網過低水準的知識。然而,知識變數通過「態度」而對家庭互聯網採納的間接影響並不顯著。儘管態度受到知識的顯著正面影響,但其在鄉村家庭互聯網採納過程中的影響卻遠低於後者。本研究還支援了「大眾媒介使用影響到受眾所擁有的互聯網知識」的論斷。
Abstract Home Internet adoption in rural societies deserves more attention. Through a survey of 480 rural residents in a typical central China province, this study supports the central role of knowledge in the adoption process. Results show that the low adoption rate of the Internet in rural China is directly caused by people’s low levels of knowledge about the Internet. Although attitude is positively influenced by knowledge, the former plays a weaker role than the latter in rural residents’ adoption of the Internet. This is why people with minimum Internet knowledge would not adopt the Internet even if they have a relatively positive attitude toward it. In addition, this study has supported the contributing effects of mass media use on the acquisition of Internet knowledge. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
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