July  2010 13
寫在卷首Editor's Notes
探討香港電視新聞中的議程多元性: 本地、中國與國際新聞的比較
Exploring Agenda Diversity in Local, National, and Foreign News on Hong Kong Television
作者 林宛瑩、李立峯
Author Wan Ying LIN, Francis L. F. LEE
關鍵詞 議程多元性,內部和外部多元性,分析層次,電視新聞,國 際新聞和本地新聞比較
Keywords agenda diversity, internal vs. external diversity, television news, foreign news, Hong Kong
摘要 新聞議程是新聞內容中一個最重要的面向,它可以反映新聞工作者對新聞價值的判斷,又能夠影響公眾對於新聞事件和人物的重要性的認知。在這些前提下,本文討論香港電視新聞的議程多元性(agenda diversity)。在概念上,本研究區分內部和外部多元性,並指出多元性可以在不同分析層次上測量。本文然後比較三家香港電視台的本地、中國和國際新聞的議程多元性。結果表示,當我們以每天的新聞報導為分析單位時,香港電視的國際新聞比中國和本地新聞有更高的議程多元性。然而,當議程累加起來時,國際新聞的多元性則明顯地降低。作者從不同類型新聞的生產過程以及新聞工作者對不同類型新聞的相對理解度來討論這些研究發現。最後,本文亦對香港以外不同國家的電視新聞中的議程多元性作出了初步分析。
Abstract The news agenda reflects journalists’ judgments of newsworthiness and influences the public’s perceptions of the importance of issues, events, and actors. Whether various news outlets in a society set the same or different agendas would have important empirical and normative implications. This paper thus uses agenda diversity as the conceptual focus to examine the characteristics of television news in Hong Kong. The constructs differentiate between internal and external diversity, as well as daily level and aggregate level diversity. They then compares agenda diversity of local, national and foreign news on three television stations. The results show that when compared to national and local news, foreign news has higher degrees of daily agenda diversity on Hong Kong television. The degree of diversity in foreign news reporting, however, is reduced to a larger extent when the daily agendas are aggregated. As a result, foreign news has lower degrees of agenda diversity at the aggregate level. The pattern is explained in terms of journalists’ relative degrees of understanding of local, national and foreign affairs. Moreover, correlates of daily level agenda diversity are explored, and some preliminary analyses on the agenda diversity in television news in different countries are reported.
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