October  2010 14
研究論文Research Articles
市場競爭與媒介表現之相關性研究: 檢視台灣報紙地方新聞的多樣性
Market Competition and Media Performance: Examining the Diversity of Local News of Taiwan’s Newspapers
作者 葉碧華、李秀珠
Author Pi-Hua YEH, Shu-Chu Sarrina LI
關鍵詞 地方新聞、SCP理論、市場競爭、媒體表現
Keywords local news, SCP model, market competition, media performance
摘要 台灣由於市場較小,且近幾年來各種新興媒介不斷普及,目前地方報紙僅剩台南的《中華日報》和花蓮的《更生日報》,其餘均由三大報,《聯合報》、《中國時報》和《自由時報》,擔負起告知地方事務的功能。本文以產業經濟學的「結構–行為–績效」模式,分析不同的競爭壓力,是否會影響該地地方版報紙的表現。


Abstract The structure-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm attempts to explain how firms behave under different market structures and, in turn, how that behavior affects market performance. Most media economists agree that media performance is affected by the structure of a market, but they disagree on how the market structure influences media performance. Empirical findings regarding the competition-performance relationship have tended to be mixed with most studies indicating a positive relationship between competition and performance.

Using the theoretical framework of the structure–conduct–performance model, this study examined the relationship between market competition and the local news performance of the three newspapers in Taiwan. Based on a literature review on the SCP model, the research question of this study is as follows: How does the degree of market competition affect the content diversity of local news in Taiwan’s newspapers?

This study identified five types of news markets in accordance with the degree of market competition, and purposely selected ten cities and counties in Taiwan as different news markets. Using the method of content analysis, this study analyzed three-weeks of local news in the five kinds of markets.

This study found that the number of competitors in a market was the most important factor that affected the content diversity of local news in Taiwan’s three major newspapers. Furthermore, the findings of this study show that the population of a market did not have any significant effect on the content diver- sity of local news. The data analysis shows that the findings in general are congruent with the predictions of the SCP model.


葉碧華、李秀珠(2010)。〈市場競爭與媒介表現之相關性研究:檢視台灣報紙地方新聞的多樣性〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第14 期,頁17–46。

Citation of this article:

Yeh, P. H., & Li, S. S. (2010). Market competition and media performance: Examining the diversity
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