January  2011 16
Reflections on International Communication Research: A New Departure
作者 對談人:李金銓、黃煜、陳韜文 統 稿:黃煜、陳韜文 整 理:趙心硯
Author Discussants: Chin-Chuan LEE, Yu HUANG, Joseph M. CHAN Editors: Yu HUANG, Joseph M. CHAN Transcriber: Xin-Yan ZHAO
摘要 「我喜歡以小見大,猶如牛頓從一個蘋果看到地心引力。我研究的問題多屬這類。這樣一方面照顧到因果規律,另一方面也沒有把豐富的意義簡單化。我覺得研究最好能夠抽絲剝繭,執簡馭繁,用簡單的語言表述豐富的意義,有如剝筍見心。但人類社會畢竟充滿複雜性和矛盾性,社會意義必須層次分明一層一層剝,不能像實證主義者那樣粗糙處理。」


Abstract In this interview, Professor Chin-Chuan Lee talks about his intellectual journey that begins with his empirical training and ends with a style that combines analysis with synthesis, and straddles social science and humanistic perspectives. He explains why striking a balance between the pursuit of patterns and contextualization is critical in communication research. Citing exemplary studies, he illustrates how international communication can best be done and points out its existing theoretical and methodological inadequacies. He shares his critical evaluations of Chinese communication in Greater China. To him, the commitment to Chinese media studies and openness to global scholarship are essential for innovations in the development of Chinese media studies.


黃煜、陳韜文(編) (2011)。〈三十年河東與河西:國際傳播研究再出發〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第16期,頁1–14。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Yu & Chan, J.M. (Eds.). (2011). Reflections on International Communication Research: A New Departure. Communication & Society, 16, 1–14.
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