July  2011 17
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由台灣民眾的就醫經驗探討病患如何減低 不確定感
Reducing Patient Uncertainty by Addressing Patient/Physician Relationships from the Patient’s Perspective in Taiwan
作者 葉蓉慧、連吉時
Author Becky J. H. YEH, Gi-Shih LIEN
關鍵詞 醫病關係、降低不確定感、焦慮、台灣社會
Keywords patient relations, uncertainty reduction, Taiwanese society
摘要 本文藉由分析病患與家屬的意見反映以及就醫經驗,試圖勾勒出


或就診者向醫院意見反映電話與信件的紀錄,以及深入訪談15 位病





Abstract Patient/physician relations in Taiwan are greatly influenced by traditional Chinese, contemporary western, and colonial medical systems, as well as by sociocultural perceptions of health and illness. This study analyzed letters of complaint and encouragement and the medical experiences of hospital visitors, patients, and primary care givers to understand (1) how patients express their uncertainties when encountered with physicians, and (2) what actions or procedures can substantially reduce the uncertainties of patients and their families. One thousand nine hundred and forty-one letters and 14 in-depth interviews are analyzed. Finally, the importance of medical literacy is discussed under the framework of Taiwanese physician/patient relations. Through these letters and interviews, Taiwanese patients expressed their uncertainties by asking questions of their physicians, requesting various health checks, and complaining about their health problems to medical staff in a repetitive manner. Patients expect their physicians to notice or reduce their uncertainties by answering questions, sharing medical plans or medical knowledge, and intervening positively and energetically with medical action.


葉蓉慧、連吉時(2011)。〈由台灣民眾的就醫經驗探討病患如何減低不確定感〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第17 期,頁61–86。

Citation of this article:

Yeh, B. J. H., & Lien, G. S. (2011). Reducing Patient Uncertainty by Addressing Patient/Physician Relationships from the Patient’s Perspective in Taiwan. Communication & Society, 17, 61–86 .
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