July  2011 17
視覺‧文本Text Image
POWER的多重演繹 ─從「聲光園」到香港風景
Interpreting Power — A Visual and Textual Dialogue
作者 黃志淙、秦偉
Author Chi Chung WONG, Wai CHUN
摘要 權力不單是批判傳播理論的關注核心;在視覺文化研究中,圖像或影像文本如何改變社會權力關係更是重要課題。然而,權力作為論述,本身就帶有歧義性。本期兩個作品─文化學者黃志淙的《3.11前後身遊與心遊「聲光園」》文字文本,以及資深新聞攝影師秦偉的《香港也有POWER!》影像文本─試圖打開權力作為能源、權力及力量等多重意義的浮動性;隱藏在兩個文本中文字與影像間的相互指涉,構成一次對視覺、文本的界線及權力的討論及對話。
Abstract Power is a key concept in critical communication theories. In visual culture studies, images are articulated with social power. However, these articulations are polysemic and open to multiple interpretations. This issue of image/text features the dialogue between media scholar Wong Chi Chung and veteran photographer Chun Wai. Using textual and visual means, floating intertextuality can be built between their works to explore issues of power, resources, calibre and the boundaries between visuality and textuality.



Citation of this article:

Wong, C. C., & Chun, W. (2011). Interpreting Power — A Visual and Textual Dialogue. Communication & Society, 17, 191–202.
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