October  2011 18
研究論文Research Articles
Gender Switching among MMORPG Players
作者 李紫茵、王嵩音
Author Zih-yin LI, Song-In WANG
關鍵詞 MMORPG、性別轉換、性別角色刻板印象
Keywords MMORPG, gender switching, sex role stereotypes
摘要 本研究試圖瞭解MMORPG玩家性別角色轉換的行為。一方面以網路問卷調查法來瞭解玩家基本資料和轉換動機與轉換行為之關連。另一方面則透過深度訪談瞭解玩家如何扮演另一性角色及其與性別刻板印象的關係。

Abstract Gender switching has become commonplace in massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), since these games allow players to explore a range of identities by playing a character they have created. Given the relative lack of research in this area, the main aims the present study tries to examine are: (a) why people engage in gender switching, (b) the demographic characteristics of gender switching players, and (c) how players portray the other sex. A Web-based survey was conducted to investigate the relationship between gender switching, demographic variables, and players’ motives for switching. Then, in-depth interviews were employed to gain a better understanding of how players portray the other sex and how they recognize the other sex.

A total of 800 online questionnaires were deemed to provide usable data. Among them, 78.6% of gender-switching players are male, and most were students between the ages of 16 and 30. Curiosity, drawing more attention to themselves, and attractiveness were reported as the three most common reasons for gender switching among both male and female players. Avoiding online harassment was another specific reason for gender switching cited by female players. Higher educated and more experienced players tend to switch genders more frequently than others. The results of in-depth interviews with nine players (six males and three females) showed that both male and female gender switching players upheld sex role stereotypes about the other gender when making choices about their avatars’ appearances, careers, and personalities.


李紫茵、王嵩音(2011)。〈線上遊戲性別轉換行為分析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第18 期,頁45–78。

Citation of this article:

Li Z. Y., & WANG S. I. (2011). Gender Switching among MMORPG Players. Communication & Society, 18, 45-78.
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