October  2012 22
以媒介為視窗瞭望世界─ 心繫公眾的傳播學者托德.吉特林
Academic Dialogue with Todd Gitlin
作者 對談人:托德.吉特林(Todd Gitlin)、黃煜 統 稿:黃煜 翻 譯:王菁
Author Discussants: Todd Gitlin, Yu HUANG Editors: Yu HUANG Translator: Jing WANG
摘要 「從某種意義上說,我的政治生涯就是我的研究根基。」


「我在1978 年出版的《媒介社會學》中提出對當時存在的方法有所質疑的原因。但我必須繼續去探究我們還須要做甚麼,而不僅僅是批判已有的研究成果。」

「我認為媒介的地位始於人們的認知…… 使用媒介的人的生活也包括沒有媒介捲入的一面…… 在研究過程中,我們應該同時兼顧這兩方面。」
Abstract In this interview, Gitlin explains his fundamental views on the media’s role in society. Media producers, for their own interests, direct people’s lives and attitudes toward political and social issues. Meanwhile, the media satisfy people’s wants derived from their lives without media. Gitlin also suggests examining media and human communication with a holistic view and critical sociological approach. Gitlin grounds his intellectual practice in social and political movements. He has credited his academic achievements to his previous political experiences. In his research agenda, Gitlin keeps focusing on the politically engaged public. By actively participating in movements and continuing to write, Gitlin wants to further his critical study of media and communication for people’s rights and freedoms in their political and social lives.


黃煜(編)(2012)。〈以媒介為視窗瞭望世界─心繫公眾的傳播學者托德.吉特林〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第22 期,頁1–20。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y. (2012). Academic dialogue with Prof. Todd Gitlin. Communication & Society, 22, 1–20.
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