October  2012 22
研究論文Research Articles
樂觀偏誤、自我效能、社會信任與新流感 疫苗接種意願
Optimistic Bias, Self-Efficacy, Social Trust, and Intentions to Receive H1N1 Influenza Vaccine
作者 盧鴻毅、許富盛、侯心雅
Author Hung-Yi LU, Fu-Sheng, HSU Hsin-Ya HOU
關鍵詞 新流感、樂觀偏誤、自我效能、社會信任、疫苗接種
Keywords H1N1 flu, optimistic bias, self-efficacy, social trust, vaccination
摘要 本研究試圖瞭解台灣地區民眾看了新流感(H1N1 flu)相關新聞報導之後,是否存有「樂觀偏誤」心態?以及樂觀偏誤、自我效能及社會信任是否會影響新流感疫苗接種意願?透過網絡問卷,本研究針對台灣地區民眾進行調查,調查期間由2009年12月24日至2010年1月31日,共回收662份有效問卷。結果發現,受訪者認為自己罹患新流感的可能性較身邊其他人來得低;樂觀偏誤及自我效能分別負向地預測受訪者接種新流感疫苗的意願;至於社會信任則正向地預測受訪者接種新流感疫苗的意願。
Abstract This survey aims to explore the phenomenon of optimistic bias after reading or viewing news reports regarding H1N1 influenza, and the influence of optimistic bias, self-efficacy, and social trust on intentions to receive the H1N1 vaccine in Taiwanese subjects threatened by the H1N1 influenza pandemic. An Internet-based study was conducted in Taiwan between December 24, 2009 and January 31, 2010. 662 respondents completed the questionnaire on the Internet. The results showed that optimistic bias existed amongst the sample. Optimistic bias and self-efficacy significantly and negatively predicted intentions to receive the H1N1 vaccine, while social trust significantly and positively predicted such intentions. This study suggests that the Taiwanese government needs to reduce the phenomenon of optimistic bias and unrealistic self-efficacy, reinforce social trust, and foster effective communication of information about health, in order to improve intentions to receive the H1N1 vaccine. In particular, this study finds that social trust is one of the most important determinants of intentions to receive the H1N1 vaccine. Social trust is not easy to establish, but it is easy to lose. In order to establish social trust, government and public health professionals need to pay more attention to health risk communication. A work team, taking care of public education about health risks, must engage in health and risk communication, and develop effective health and risk communication campaigns as an epidemic breaks out. By doing so, people will get a chance to understand more about epidemics, and misunderstandings will be eliminated among medical and public health professionals, as well as lay people.


盧鴻毅、許富盛、侯心雅(2012)。〈樂觀偏誤、自我效能、社會信任與新流感疫苗接種意願〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第22 期,頁135–158。

Citation of this article:

Lu, H. Y., Hsu, F. S., & Hou, H. Y. (2012). Optimistic bias, self-efficacy, social trust, and intentions to receive H1N1 influenza vaccine. Communication & Society, 22, 135–158.
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