April  2013 24
研究論文Research Articles
The Mobility of Hong Kong Newspaper Journalists
作者 果蕾、王靜、戴熙、王慧敏
Author Lei GUO, Jing WANG, Xi DAI, Huimin WANG
關鍵詞 香港報業、流動性、新聞記者從業人員
Keywords Hong Kong newspaper, mobility, journalists.
摘要 在香港,資深記者從業人員流動性很大,這種流失對香港報業有何影響?本文以此為出發點,對香港4家主要報社16位前線記者從業人員及管理人員進行深度訪談,了解香港報業新聞從業人員流失狀況、原因及影響,之後又與4位學者探討該種現象成因。研究結果顯示:香港報業記者從業人員流失更趨年輕化且多流向穩定行業;待遇低、升職幾率小及報社工作工時長等特點是其流動主要原因;行業內人才流動有助增加報紙活力且減少報社開支,故從經濟角度考慮,報社主管鮮選擇留住人才。
Abstract In Hong Kong, journalists’ mobility is relatively higher than in other places, especially among journalists who work for newspapers. This paper attempts to find out the status quo, causes, and impact of such a phenomenon by conducting a series of in-depth interviews with 16 reporters and editors from four leading newspapers in Hong Kong. The results show that the mobility of Hong Kong newspaper journalists is accelerating and many of them move to work in a more stable industry. Low pay, a gloomy career path, and job characteristics are the main reasons for their mobility. Also, journalists’mobility will help boost the vitality of the press and reduce its expenditures. As a result, the management refuses to retain the outgoing journalists when taking into account the economic benefits.


果蕾、王靜、戴熙、王慧敏(2013)。〈香港報業新聞記者從業人員的流動探究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第24 期,頁61-92。

Citation of this article:

Guo L., Wang J., Dai, X., Wang, H. M. (2013). The mobility of Hong Kong newspaper journalists. Communication & Society, 24, 61-92.
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