April  2013 24
傳播論壇Communication Forum
從四個文化機制看華人人際傳播: 「拉近」、「推遠」、「彈性化」與「複雜化」
Actualizing Chinese Communication through Four Cultural Mechanisms: Closing up, Distancing, Making Flexible, and Complicating
作者 張惠晶
Author Hui-Ching CHANG
關鍵詞 華人傳播、文化機制 、集體主義、價值觀
Keywords Chinese communication, collectivism, cultural value, cultural mechanism, situated interaction
摘要 本文從「拉近」、「推遠」、「彈性化」、「複雜化」等四個文化機制來闡釋華人傳播行為, 認為集體主義的價值觀並非高高在上的指導原則,而係透過文化機制的運作,在人際互動中體現。「拉近」讓彼此更為親密,「推遠」保障個體獨立,「彈性化」提供彼此重新界定關係的機會,「複雜化」則將他人帶入原已紛擾的世界。本分析著眼於傳播行為,強調其多面性、跳脫二分法的局限,提供華人傳播研究一個新的角度,以糾正西方研究的缺失。
Abstract Current literature tends to treat collectivism as a given in guiding communicative performances of social actors, rather than to examine how collectivism may be constructed, enacted, and negotiated through participants’ exchanges. This paper explores four mechanisms used by Chinese to actualize their cultural orientations through interaction: (1) closing up allows in-group members to maximize social resources and reap benefits of the collectivity; (2) distancing draws boundaries between people, making certain that what is done for in-group members is properly rewarded; (3) making flexible allows members to relieve burdens and tensions of extended relational webs through competing and negotiating relational positioning; and (4) complicating permits tighter orchestration of the relational system by engaging mutual acquaintances. These four cultural mechanisms, together with their respective tasks and communicative strategies, show how a collective cultural orientation is constituted by individual performances of situated interaction.


張惠晶(2013)。〈從四個文化機制看華人人際傳播:「拉近」、「推遠」、「彈性化」與「複雜化」〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第24 期,頁193–224。

Citation of this article:

Chang, H.-C. (2013). Actualizing Chinese communication through four cultural mechanisms: Closing up, distancing, making flexible, and complicating. Communication & Society, 24, 193–224.
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