October  2013 26
News, Politics, Social Movements, and Digital Media
作者 對談人:蘭斯.班尼特 (W. Lance Bennett) 、邱林川、史安斌 統 稿:邱林川、史安斌 翻 譯:張曉
Author Discussants: W. Lance BENNETT, Jack L. QIU, Anbin SHI Editor: Jack L. QIU, Anbin SHI Translator: Xiao ZHANG
摘要 「互聯網並不能解決人類所有的問題,甚至無法解決大部份人類傳播的問題。然而,有更多的民眾能夠在今天發聲,這樣的傳播是嘈雜的、不平等的、充斥謠言且並不總是明智的、充分知情的。但是,我們亦見證了科技的發明使得群體組織更為良好、更有智慧、更具決斷力,這些都是非凡卓越的發展。」
Abstract Reflecting on his scholarly journey that has lasted more than three decades, Professor W. Lance Bennett discusses his approach to political communication research, especially with regard to news, social movements, and digital media. From a global and multidisciplinary perspective, Bennett shares deep insights on the paradoxes of journalism, the new logic of connective action, the future of democracy, and important issues for research on Chinese media systems such as Weibo and citizen journalism. This dialogue is rich with empirical observation, critical thinking, and most updated methodological lessons including how to build a team of Big Data researchers. It offers a rare chance for readers to learn directly from one of the most achieved political communication scholars in the world, a true pioneer in studying digital media, politics, and society. It also serves a companion for the award-winning article, “The Logic of Connective Action”, by Bennett and Segerberg, whose Chinese version is published immediately following this Dialogue.


邱林川、史安斌(編)(2013)。〈新聞、政治、社運與數字媒體〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第26 期,頁1–31。

Citation of this article:

Qiu, J. L., & Shi, A. B. (Eds.). (2013). News, politics, social movements, and digital media. Communication & Society, 26, 1–31.
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