October  2013 26
研究論文Research Articles
都市受眾的傳媒使用與傳媒功能認知: 以廣州為個案
Media Use and Perceived Media Functions of Metropolitan Audiences: The Case of Guangzhou
作者 李小勤、郭中實
Author Xiaoqin LI, Steve GUO
關鍵詞 受眾信息處理、傳媒功能認知、傳媒使用、傳媒表現、廣州
Keywords audience information processing, perceived media functions, media use, media performance, Guangzhou,
摘要 本研究將受眾的傳媒功能認知分為兩個層面,即傳媒的規範性社會功能與實際表現。在因子分析中,我們更是發現中國受眾的傳媒功能認知存在三個面向:可以劃歸與官方話語比較認同的之「大眾喉舌」與「權力監督」面向,以及於此相對的「負面認知」面向。研究資料來自廣州的1,000個概率樣本,分析結果顯示,中國大陸的受眾中的這三類人群無論在人口統計因素,還是傳媒使用以及信息處理策略方面都存在明顯的區別。
Abstract This research study separates audience perceived media functions into two conceptually distinct and yet empirically closely connected dimensions: normative/expected roles and actual performance. Using data from a random sample survey of 1,000 Guangzhou residents, we tested individuals' media consumption patterns and information processing strategies. Factor analysis shows there are three types of perceptions of media functions: “tongue of the mass,” “monitor of the power,” and “negative perceptions.” The three frames of reference exhibit very different demographic characteristics and paths of influence on information use and processing.


李小勤、郭中實(2013)。〈都市受眾的傳媒使用與傳媒功能認知:以廣州為個案〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第26 期,頁75–100。

Citation of this article:

Li, X. Q, & Guo, S. (2013). Media use and perceived media functions of metropolitan audiences: The case of Guangzhou. Communication & Society, 26, 75–100
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