October  2013 26
研究論文Research Articles
聽覺障礙大學生文字敘事結構與特色之初 探:一個媒介生態學的觀察
An Exploration Study of the Writing Narrative Structure and Features of Hearing-Impaired Students: A Media Ecology Perspective
作者 吳翠松
Author Tsui-Sung WU
關鍵詞 手語、文字敘事結構、敘事特色、媒介生態學、聽障大學生
Keywords students with hearing impairment, sign language, writing narrative structure, narrative feature, media ecology
摘要 本文試圖以媒介生態學觀點,了解生活在視覺環境,慣以手語做為溝通和思維工具的聽覺障礙大學生,其文字敘事結構與特質為何?在本文中,研究者以MSN方式,與8 位聽障和聽常大學生進行訪談,並要求其提供電影、童話或日常生活的文字敘事。

Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the writing narrative structure and features of hearing-impaired students who use sign language to communicate with others in daily life.

In this study, we adopted the perspective of media ecology as the standpoint. Media ecology is the study of media environments; the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information, and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs. According to Neil Postman, media ecology looks into the matter of how communications media affect human perception, understanding, feeling, and value, and how our interaction with media facilitates or impedes our chances of survival.

Follow this thinking trail, we attempted to determine how visual media affect humans' narrative, choosing hearing impairment as our research object and focusing our agenda on writing narrative structure and features. We aimed to understand the writing narrative structure and features of a narrator who lives in a visual environment and uses visual language (Sign Language) as the major communicating tool.

In this study, we interviewed eight hearing-impaired subjects and eight subjects with normal hearing ability, all university students, adopting the selfgenerated stories way of asking interviewees to write down stories in MSN(The Microsoft Network).

The results showed that while sequential–linear structure is the major writing narrative structure, the hearing-impaired subjects' narrative would sometimes be adjusted according to the communication situation and the length of the story's content. Regarding narrative features, the results indicated that the hearing-impaired subjects emphasized the location, position, and moving image of the narrative, and would sometimes freely create some dialogue between the story's characters.

If we make a dialogue with the perspective of Media Ecology by our research results, we will find that not only the internal structure of the media but also the communication situations, the length of the story, and memory capacity can affect the writing narrative structure of hearing-impaired individuals.

This means that narrative structure is affected by communicating media, situation, length of the story, and memory capacity simultaneously. As such, when we discuss the interaction relationship and effect between humans and media, we should consider other situational factors. We also found that the narrative feature indeed is influenced by the media internal structure. Therefore, oral people will always say the same key sentence “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” (sound media), while hearing-impaired people emphasize picture and movement (visual media).


吳翠松 (2013)。〈聽覺障礙大學生文字敘事結構與特色之初探:一個媒介生態學的觀察〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第26 期,頁101–140。

Citation of this article:

Wu, T. S. (2013). An exploration study of the writing narrative structure and features of hearing-impaired students: A media ecology perspective. Communication & Society, 26, 101–140
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