October  2013 26
研究論文Research Articles
風險社會背景下中國大陸健康傳播研究的 歷史、現狀與發展趨勢
Health Communication Research in Mainland China under Risk Society —Past, Present, and Future
作者 陳虹、梁俊民
Author Hong CHEN, Junmin LIANG
關鍵詞 健康傳播、風險社會、科際整合
Keywords health communication, risk society, interdisciplinary research
摘要 中國大陸健康傳播研究已經有了20多年的歷史,雖仍處在學科建制的探索階段,但研究視角在不斷發生轉變。本文對1992–2011年20年間大陸健康傳播研究文獻進行內容分析,研究發現雖然傳播學者缺席的局面得到改善,但學科交叉研究依然滯後;風險視野下的健康議題增多,突發公共衛生事件成為當前乃至今後健康傳播研究的熱點;研究視角正在向受眾本位、危機預警、風險溝通、健康觀念的培養等方向轉換。此外,理論推動實踐、科際整合、新媒體技術研究以及國際合作將成為大陸健康傳播研究未來發展的趨勢。
Abstract Health communication research in mainland China constantly changed its research perspectives over the 20-year period from 1992 to 2011; however, this research is still in the exploring stage of subject establishment. After analyzing the content of the research literature from this 20-year period, this study found that although scholarly health communication research has improved and expanded, interdisciplinary research still lags. Current research is focused on public standards, crisis warnings, risk communication, and health concept training. Literature concerning health risk issues has also increased. Public health emergencies are popular in current health communication research, and they will continue to be popular in future research. In addition, the promotion of theory into practice, interdisciplinary research, new media technology research, and international cooperation will be future trends in health communication research in mainland China.


陳虹、梁俊民 (2013)。〈風險社會背景下中國大陸健康傳播研究的歷史、現狀與發展趨勢〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第26 期,頁141–168。

Citation of this article:

Chen, H., & Liang, J. M. (2013). Health communication research in Mainland China under risk society—past, present, and future. Communication & Society, 26, 141–168.
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