October  2013 26
研究論文Research Articles
組織形象修護之效果: 檢視危機歷史及危機回應策略之影響
Examining the Effects of Crisis History and Crisis Communication Strategies on an Organization
作者 黃怡芳、李秀珠
Author Yi-Fang HUANG , Shu-Chu Sarrina LI
關鍵詞 情境式危機傳播理論、SCCT、危機管理、危機情境、危機溝通
Keywords Situational Crisis Communication Theory, SCCT, crisis management, crisis situation, crisis communication
摘要 本研究援引Coombs的情境式危機傳播理論(SCCT),以實驗法探討高科技產業因應危機情境以及選擇危機回應策略。研究發現組織擁有不同類型的危機歷史,相較於相同類型者,會使關係人對組織有較正面的聲譽評價;發生可預防型危機情境時,採用重建性回應策略(如道歉及提出改善行動)會比使用否認策略,讓關係人對組織有較正面聲譽評價及潛在支持性行為。此外,回應策略則要同時併用多種重建性策略,才有機會減弱危機所帶來的損傷。
Abstract In this study, Coombs' Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) was adopted in order to investigate the effects of crisis history and crisis communication strategies on the reputation of a crisis organization. According to the SCCT, three factors shape the threat to an organization's reputation: initial crisis responsibility, crisis history, and the organization's prior relational reputation. The SCCT also states that when deciding what communication strategies to use in repairing an organization's image, the amount of crisis responsibility needs to be determined in order to design a suitable set of strategies for the crisis. This study examined how the two factors—same type of crisis history and paired communication strategies—affected an organization's reputation. Based on the literature review, this study developed the following two hypotheses and one research question:

H1: Compared to the same type of crisis history, a crisis organization that has a different type of crisis history will have a better perceived reputation and more support from the public.

H2: A crisis organization that adopts a set of paired crisis communication strategies will have a better perceived reputation and more support from the public.

RQ1: Are there any interaction effects of crisis history and crisis communication strategies on the public's perceived reputation of and support for the organization?

This study adopted an experimental design to collect data, and a factorial design of 2 (same type/different types of crisis history) X 2 (paired/unpaired communication strategies) was conducted for this study. One hundred and sixty undergraduate students were recruited as subjects for the experiment and randomly assigned to one of the four experimental conditions.

The data analysis shows that the first hypothesis was partially supported by the data of this study and that the second hypothesis was supported by the study's findings. Furthermore, this study found that the crisis history and crisis communication strategies had no interaction effects on the crisis organization's reputation and future support. The results of this study show that a similar type of crisis history resulted in a lower score of the crisis organization's reputation than did different types of crisis history. However, this study also found that a similar type of crisis history did not result in a significantly lower score in the crisis organization's future support than did different types of crisis history. Moreover, the use of paired crisis communication strategies had significant effects on both the organization's reputation and the organization's future support. In general, the findings of this study support the predictions of the SCCT, indicating that crisis history and paired crisis communication strategies exerted significant effects on the crisis organization's reputation and future support.


黃怡芳、李秀珠(2013)。〈組織形象修護之效果:檢視危機歷史及危機回應策略之影響〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第26 期,頁169–210。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y. F., & Li, S. C. S. (2013). Examining the effects of crisis history and crisis communication strategies on an organization's reputation: A perspective using Coombs' situational crisis communication theory. Communication & Society, 26, 169–210.
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