January  2014 27
New Media and the Myth of the Mediated Centre
作者 對談人:尼克.庫德瑞(Nick Couldry)、陳韜文、馮應謙 統 稿:陳韜文 翻 譯:崔迪、張曉、趙萌萌
Author Discussants: Nick COULDRY, Joseph M. CHAN, Anthony Y. H. FUNG Editor: Joseph M. CHAN Translator: Di CUI, Xiao ZHANG, Mengmeng ZHAO
摘要 「『媒介中心的迷思』是建立在事實基礎上的,也就是說,現實中我們確實會把注意力集中在那一個特定而普遍的『媒體』。但現在這個事實基礎正在發生劇烈的變化。許多社會機構是這個迷思重要的既得利益獲得者—— 這當然包括媒體本身,也包括試圖接觸大量觀眾的廣告商,以及需要『現身交流空間(space of appearance)』的政府機構,它們通過媒介中心的迷思來合理化聚合在一起的受眾。我們不應期待這些機構接受『媒介化中心』必然消亡的預期。相反,同Graeme Turner 提出的論點相似,我們可以預期這些機構會更積極地創造這個中心—— 媒介機構正持續不斷地在搜尋一些它們認為是舉國皆應關注的事件。」
Abstract Nick Couldry explicates and demystifies the notion of “mediated centre” which captures the force of media institutions' particular power over the means for representing shared reality. Noting that the focused attention of the public on a particular common media is radically changing nowadays, he finds that the tension between “the myth of the mediated centre” and the ongoing media revolution is growing. He explores how our understanding of “the myth of the mediated centre” will change as the analysis is extended beyond the Western contexts of UK and USA and to places such as China. Couldry also touches on the concept of “voice” which he elaborated in a book of his, treating it as a value cherished by all human beings to express themselves and represent the world. Finally, he advises researchers to stay away from media-centrism and adopt an interdisciplinary approach in media studies.

陳韜文、馮應謙(編)(2014)。〈新媒體與媒介化中心〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第27 期,頁1–21。

Citation of this article:
Chan, J. M. (Ed.). (2014). New media and the myth ofthe mediated centre. Communication & Society, 27, 1–21.
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