January  2014 27
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
新聞文本與科技型式的雙重連結: 日常生活中網路新聞消費實踐的類型研究
Double‐Articulating News Text and Technology: A Typological‐Based Study of Online Journalism Consumption Practice in Everyday Life
作者 郭文平
Author Win-Ping KUO
關鍵詞 網路新聞、雙重構連理論、新聞消費、媒介實踐
Keywords online journalism, double-articulation theory, news consumption, media practice
摘要 本研究採取質性的深度訪談及觀察法,研究網路新聞消費者如何經由日常生活中的實踐消費網路新聞。研究者立基於媒介「雙重構連」理論觀點,強調網路新聞消費是一種實踐歷程,該實踐歷程同時包含文本/符號及科技/物質兩個面向交互影響。實證資料分析發現,網路新聞消費者涉及了五種不同新聞消費實踐型態,分別是:(1)每日慣常的消費;(2)創新產品意圖的消費;(3)社會互動的消費;(4)資訊尋求的消費;及(5)資訊遊歷的消費等。
Abstract This paper uses a qualitative method to explore how individuals consume online news in their everyday practice. The author adopts the doublearticulation theory developed by Roger Silverstone, David Morley and Eric Hirsch, and argues that online news consumption is a kind of social and cultural practice that includes two dimensions—text/symbol and technology/ material—that are intertwined. Empirical data show that, via different practices, online news consumers, in addition to news information reception, tend to integrate news consumption and their everyday life activities and experiences. Five types of online news consumption practices are identified: habitual consumption, innovative consumption, social interactive consumption, information-searching consumption and information-wandering consumption.


郭文平(2014)。〈新聞文本與科技型式的雙重連結:日常生活中網路新聞消費實踐的類型研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第27 期,頁27–63。

Citation of this article:

Kuo, W. P. (2014). Double‐articulating news text and technology: A typological‐based study of online journalism consumption practice in everyday life. Communication & Society, 27, 27–63.
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