January  2014 27
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
網路傳播社會中的「電子符號行動者」: 從台灣國光石化案重構閱聽人之主體性
Electronic Symbolic Actors in Networked Society: Reconstructing “Audience” Subjectivity as Envisioned in the Case of Taiwan
作者 黃鈴媚、沈錦惠、曹開明
Author Lin-Mei HUANG, Mary SHEN, Kai-Ming TSAO
關鍵詞 電子符號行動者、符號行動、行動者指稱詞、國光石化、全 青盟臉書
Keywords electronic symbolic actors, symbolic action, agent referents, Kuokuang petrochemical development projects, Facebook of National Youth Union for Anti‐Kuokuang petrochemical development projects.
摘要 本研究主要提出「電子符號行動者」這個新構念,並藉此探討網路傳播社會中閱聽人主體性的變化。為達成上述研究目的,本研究第一部分從行動者屬性、行動屬性以及行動方法三個面向來論述「電子符號行動者」的主體性。接着,作為一篇初探性研究,本研究先針對「電子符號行動者」的「行動者屬性」進行實證研究;而研究對象就是〈全國青年反國光石化聯盟〉所發動的2011年4月21日至4月22日的抗議與靜坐,而主要研究資料就是從2011年4月15日到2011年5月7日期間出現在該聯盟臉書的文本,共計263篇貼文以及521則回文。誠如本研究一開始對「電子符號行動者」的「行動者屬性」所提出的三個假設,本研究結果顯示:所有的行動者都是參與者,說、寫、閱、聽皆行動,只是涉入程度不同;其次,基於價值排序(亦即對反國光石化的支持或反對)的差異,行動者彼此間互為我、我們、他、他們四種行動角色;此外,行動過程中,行動者角色呈現動態、有機的特質。
Abstract Following the rise of a networked society with ubiquitous personal media, the long-held boundary between senders and receivers is increasingly blurred. As a result, “audience” as a concept increasingly loses its explanatory power, especially when social interactions that are taking place or are initiated/ intensified on the web actually affect the social world off the web. Therefore, this research aims to reconstruct audience subjectivity in a networked communication environment. In the first part, the concept of “electronic symbolic actors” is discussed, with the audience treated as willing participants and active actors, rather than passive receivers/consumers, even if they are different from senders/producers by degrees of activeness. A theoretical framework is then presented, with the subjectivity of participants examined through three aspects: the nature of symbolic actors, the nature of his/her action, and criteria of action assessment. The second part is an empirical study of Taiwan's Kuokuang Petrochemical development projects, now nullified due to web-based environmental activists. As a preliminary study based on the framework of “electronic symbolic actors,” only the nature of actors is explored, with the sit-in protests from April 21–22, 2011, initiated by the National Youth Union for Anti-Petrochemical Development Projects, as the research focus. The data for analysis were collected from the Union's Facebook pages from April 15 to May 7, 2011. Based on a total of 263 posts and 521 comments, the usage of agent referents was checked systematically in order to study how self–other relationships and group consciousness were perceived by participants, who, in their online symbolic actions, supposedly looked for selfidentity and community belonging, with various degrees of activeness due to different choices of value priority. In conclusion, the authors assert the nature of the actors examined in the case study was in accord with what was expected.


黃鈴媚、沈錦惠、曹開明(2014)。〈網路傳播社會中的「電子符號行動者」:從台灣國光石化案重構閱聽人之主體性〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第27 期,頁101–148。

Citation of this article:

Huang, L. M., Shen, M., & Tsao, K. M. (2014). Electronic symbolic actors in networked society: Reconstructing “audience”subjectivity as envisioned in the case of Taiwan's Kuokuang petrochemical development projects. Communication & Society, 27, 101–148.
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