January  2014 27
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
災難傳播中的群體力量: 社交媒體促成新型態的公民參與
Collective Power in Disaster Communication: Social Media and Citizen Participation
作者 鄭宇君
Author Yu-Chung CHENG
關鍵詞 公民參與、社交媒體、群眾外包、網路社群、災難傳播 鄭
Keywords citizen participation, social media, crowdsourcing, online community, disaster communication
摘要 本文主要探討社交媒體在重大災難事件中如何促成公民參與,透過群體力量進行災情資訊的傳播。本研究以2009年台灣莫拉克風災期間,公眾架設的三個災情資訊平台為案例,分析它們如何連結不同屬性的網路社群進行集體監看(gatewatching),透過群眾外包方式過濾大量的災情訊息,以確保資訊的即時性與正確性。最後,本文試圖從災難傳播的案例,針對過去研究者對於網路群體的分類,提出挑戰與補充。
Abstract How does social media promote citizen participation in disaster events? By studying the three disaster information websites set up by volunteers during the aftermath of Typhoon Morakot in 2009, I investigate how the online community utilize communication technologies to exchange information and mobilize the masses and how different types of online communities perform gatewatching to ensure the accuracy of disaster information in a short time frame. Finally, in light of these case studies, I revisit issues concerning the taxonomy of online communities.


鄭宇君(2014)。〈災難傳播中的群體力量:社交媒體促成新型態的公民參與〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第27 期,頁179–205。

Citation of this article:

Cheng, Y. C. (2014). Collective power in disaster communication: Social media and citizen participation. Communication & Society, 27, 179–205.
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