January  2014 27
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
手機使用動機與手機新聞收視的關聯性研 究:上海、香港、台北與新加坡的比較分 析
Motivations for Mobile Phone Use as Predictors of Seeking Mobile News: A Comparative Study of College Students in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore
作者 陳憶寧、羅文輝、魏然、徐小鴿、張國良
Author Yi-Ning Katherine CHEN, Ven-hwei LO, Ran WEI, Xiaoge XU, Guoliang ZHANG
關鍵詞 手機新聞、手機新聞使用、手機使用動機、智能手機、使用與滿足
Keywords mobile news, motivations, smart phone, uses and gratifications
摘要 本研究比較上海、香港、台北、新加坡四個城市大學生的手機使用動機與手機新聞使用行為。根據約3,500位大學生的調查顯示,四地使用手機最重要的動機均是「聯繫親友」,其次為「維護親情」、「娛樂與休閒」與「意見分享與討論」。手機使用動機最低的在四地均為「新聞與資訊」。就全體而言,「新聞與資訊」動機是預測手機新聞使用頻率的最有力變項,然而四地的手機使用動機與手機新聞使用情況存有明顯差異。本研究也探討智能手機的角色。
Abstract This study examines the motivations for mobile phone use and how various motivations can predict mobile news seeking among college students in Asia's four leading cities. A total of 3,500 college students sampled from Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taipei were surveyed on why and how they use their mobile phones to stay informed. The results show that the respondents' common motivations for mobile phone use included “being connected with friends and relatives,” “maintaining relationships,” “entertainment and relaxation,” and “sharing opinions.” Another motivation evaluated was “getting news and information.” Even though the “getting news and information” motivation was not rated highly, it was a strong and significant predictor of mobile news seeking. Two of the other motivations (namely “maintaining relationships” and “sharing opinions”) also predicted using mobile phones to seek news. Among the four samples, the motivation of “entertainment and relaxation” was found to be a significant predictor of seeking mobile news both in Shanghai and Hong Kong, whereas the motivation of “maintaining relationships” was only a significant predictor in the Hong Kong sample. The study ends with a discussion of how the role of the versatile smart phone affects the relationship between the motivations for mobile phone use and the behavior of seeking mobile news.


陳憶寧、羅文輝、魏然、徐小鴿、張國良(2014)。〈手機使用動機與手機新聞收視的關聯性研究:上海、香港、台北與新加坡的比較分析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第27 期,頁207–237。

Citation of this article:

Chen, K. Y. N., Lo, V. H., Wei, R., Xu, X. G., & Zhang, G. L. (2014). Motivations for mobile phone use as predictors of seeking mobile news: A comparative study of college students in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore. Communication & Society, 27, 207–237.
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