April  2014 28
研究論文Research Articles
科學新聞之資源基礎觀點分析: 以台灣主流媒體為例
A Resource-based View of Science News: Evidence from Taiwan
作者 林艾潔、黃靜蓉
Author Ai-Chieh LIN, J. Sonia HUANG
關鍵詞 主流媒體、科學新聞、競爭優勢、資源基礎觀點、台灣
Keywords mainstream media, science news, competitive advantages, resourcebased view, Taiwan
摘要 本研究以資源基礎觀點為分析基礎,試圖了解台灣主流媒體產製科學新聞的資源分配狀況、科學新聞產製的現況、以及資源運用差異所形成的競爭優劣勢。本研究質量並用,採用深度訪談和問卷蒐集台灣16 家主流媒體的資料,結果發現主流媒體的科學新聞偏重天災和醫藥報導,無論財產基礎或知識基礎資源的投入與分配皆每況愈下。惟有少數媒體具備充分的器材與設備、固定單元的報導、與科學專門機構合作、和主管有科學記者經驗等條件,能創造出科學新聞的競爭優勢。
Abstract From a resource-based view, this study assumes that the resource allocation of Taiwan's mainstream media science news affects science news production and their competitive advantages. By conducting in-depth interviews and surveys of 16 mainstream media outlets, this study found that, of the outlets that reported science news, the majority of this news was related to natural disasters and health, the downstream levels of science activities, and topics relevant to society. Most of the media outlets interviewed did not allocate resources to science news. Only those who built sufficient facilities for science news, produced this kind of news on a regular basis, collaborated with professional science institutions, and whose top managers had science reporting experience exerted competitive advantages in science news.
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