April  2014 28
研究論文Research Articles
虛擬社區內的人際關係—— 以中國大陸的「老小孩」網站為例
Interpersonal Relationships in the Virtual Community: A Case Study on OldKids the Website in Mainland China
作者 吳歡
Author Huan WU
關鍵詞 虛擬社區、人際關係、老小孩網站、老年網民
Keywords virtual community, interpersonal relationship, OldKids website, senior netizens
摘要 通過分析具備了虛擬社區特徵的老年門戶網站——「老小孩」,本文旨在探索虛擬社區內人際關係的特點。在線上和線下進行參與式觀察的過程中,筆者探索了虛擬社區內的人際關係在時空、情感、界限和形態這四方面所顯現的特徵;並發現虛擬社區的人際關係並非是對現實人際關係的複製,它比現實的人際關係更富有靈活性;在帶給成員有意義的情感聯結的同時給予他們選擇的權利和進退的自由。老年網民在線上和線下的互動反映出他們尋求穩定人際聯結的心態和為適應社會個體化趨勢所做的努力。
Abstract community known as OldKids, one of the largest senior-oriented Internet portals in mainland China. A unique feature of the website is its close connection with offline communities. Through online ethnography and offline participant observation, this study examines interpersonal relationships in four dimensions: 1) time and space relation, 2) emotional ties, 3) distinction between online and offline communities, and 4) format of relations. In the study, senior citizens exhibited considerable autonomy; they decided when and how to be involved in online interactions and determined the format of interpersonal relations in the online and offline communities. Interpersonal relations shaped in the virtual community are not copies of those in the real world and tend to be more flexible. As Chinese society has already shown trends toward individualization , it is valuable that interpersonal relationships shaped in a virtual community can bring about meaningful emotional connections among senior citizens and, at the same time, grant them freedom of choice.


吳歡(2014)。〈虛擬社區內的人際關係—— 以中國大陸的「老小孩」網站為例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第28 期,頁63–93。

Citation of this article:

Wu, H. (2014). Interpersonal relationships in the virtual community: A case study on OldKids the website in mainland China. Communication & Society, 28, 63–93.
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