April  2014 28
研究論文Research Articles
新民族主義媒體話語的社會歷史分析: 1990–2008
A Socio-historical Analysis of the New Nationalist Media Discourses in Mainland China (1990–2008)
作者 熊慧
Author Hui XIONG
關鍵詞 新民族主義、出版業、外交、市場化、四階段
Keywords new nationalism, print media, diplomacy, marketization, four phases
摘要 上世紀90 年代伊始,一股新民族主義的潛流開始在大陸媒體的日常敘事中悄然湧動,卻鮮少得到大陸傳播學界的關注。作為中國社會轉型期各種意識形態交匯、碰撞和鬥爭的重要場域,大眾媒體在新民族主義的散播過程中扮演了重要角色。對1990–2008 年間訴諸新民族主義意識形態的媒體文本,尤其是報紙、學術期刊和暢銷書的社會歷史分析表明,經歷了醞釀、形成和高潮階段的新民族主義媒體話語,在進入21世紀後呈現加速轉型的態勢,發展出了高度自我肯定的新面向。
Abstract new nationalistic undercurrent has been sweeping through Mainland China's media since the early 1990s. As a nerve center for ideological convergence, collision, and struggle in transformative society, mainland media plays an important role in the dissemination of new nationalistic information. A socio-historical analysis of nationalist discourse within mainland media, newspapers, academic journals, and best-selling books between 1990 and 2008 shows that a highly self-affirmative dimension of new nationalist discourse is evident at the beginning of the 21st century. The implication of this dimension is increased transformation of new nationalist discourses immediately following their emergence, development, and culmination.


熊慧(2014)。〈新民族主義媒體話語的社會歷史分析:1990–2008〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第28 期,頁121–149。

Citation of this Article:

Xiong, H. (2014). A socio-historical analysis of the new nationalist media discourses in mainland China (1990–2008). Communication & Society, 28, 121–149.
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