April  2014 28
傳播論壇Communication Forum
中國的挑戰: 跨文化傳播政治經濟學芻議
The Challenge of China: Towards a Transcultural Political Economy of Communication
作者 趙月枝
Author Yuezhi ZHAO
關鍵詞 傳播政治經濟學、階級、民族、國家、文化政治、資本主 義、社會主義、中國崛起
Keywords political economy of communication, class, nation, state, cultural politics, capitalism, socialism, the rise of China
摘要 「中國崛起」對具有歐美中心主義傾向的傳播研究、包括這一領域中具有馬克思主義的實踐性傳統的傳播政治經濟學提出了什麼樣的挑戰?為了回答這個問題,本文首先指出中國社會主義實踐與傳播政治經濟學兩者共有的國際性和跨文化性,並在傳播政治經濟學理論框架的基礎上簡要勾勒跨文化傳播政治經濟研究的基本內涵。隨後,本文從跨文化傳播政治經濟研究的角度圍繞「中國的挑戰」,討論傳播與意識形態問題在中國國家性質定位中的關鍵角色,傳播與階級、民族和國家之間的互構關係、以及傳播研究中的歷史觀與傳播與文化政治等一系列問題。在結論部分,本文討論2008 年資本主義危機以來共產主義思想在西方批判知識界復興的新趨勢,並進而指出中國只有通過繼承社會革命遺產和實現「人民民主」諾言走出一條超越資本主義的道路,才能為人類文明作出新貢獻。
Abstract The shared internationalist and transculturalist orientations underpinning both the political economy of communication as a critical research tradition in the West and China's experiment with socialism are underscored in this article to identify what type of challenge “the rise of China” poses for communication research, including its political economy of communication tradition, which is strongly grounded in Marxist praxis. Subsequently, the core elements of a transcultural political economy approach to communication studies are briefly outlined. The pivotal role of communication and ideology in the struggles over the nature of the Chinese state, the mutually constitutive relationships between communication, and the critical categories of class, nation, and state are addressed in this article by intertwining theory and a critical literature review, as well as by analyzing concrete developments in Chinese communication. In addition, issues concerning history and cultural politics in communication research are addressed. The article concludes by noting how the idea of communism has regained currency in critical Western intellectual circles in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis and arguing that the only way for China to make a new contribution to human civilization is to revitalize its social revolutionary legacies and fulfil its promise as a “people's democracy.”


趙月枝(2014)。〈中國的挑戰:跨文化傳播政治經濟學芻議〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第28 期,頁151–179。

Citation of this article:

Zhao, Y. (2014). The challenge of China: Towards a transcultural political economy of communication. Communication & Society, 28, 151–179.
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