April  2014 28
東西方之間的批判傳播研究: 道路、問題與使命
Critical Communication Research Between the East and the West: Trajectory, Problematics, and Destiny
作者 對談人:趙月枝、邱林川、王洪喆 統 稿:邱林川、王洪喆
Author Discussants: Yuezhi ZHAO, Jack L. QIU, Hongzhe WANG Editors: Jack L. QIU, Hongzhe WANG
摘要 「我們強調歷史的開放性、現實的多重可能性,尤其是不同政治經濟和文化形式在碰撞的過程中產生新的、解放性的文化形式的可能性。我堅信學者有秉承社會良知,展示思想力量的天職。」
Abstract In a far-ranging trans-Pacific academic dialogue, award-winning scholar Yuezhi Zhao critically reflected on her own intellectual trajectory in pursuing groundbreaking research on media and democratization in the Western, global, and Chinese contexts. In the discussion, she intertwined her personal intellectual biography with China's post-revolutionary history, the political economy and cultural politics of China's post-Mao transformation, and the concomitant developments in communication research in both North America and China. Zhao, who charted a critical research path to addresses the historical erasures and social biases of contemporary Chinese communication scholarship on the one hand, and the Western-centric biases of critical communication scholarship on the other, delineated the relevance and intellectual politics of rediscovering “class” as an analytical category in the current Chinese context.

In addition, she argued for the centrality of the urban-rural relationship and ecological perspectives in communication research, as well as outlined the unique contributions of the transcultural political economy perspective that she has pioneered.



命〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第28 期,頁1–21。

Citation of this article:

Qiu, J. L. & Wang, H. (Eds.). (2014). Critical communication research between the east and the west: Trajectory, problematics, and destiny. Communication & Society, 28, 1–21.
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