July  2014 29
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
從「天下」到「國家」: 清末語言運動中的「聲音」和言語文化
From “the World” to “Nation-State”: The “Voice” and Speech Culture in the Language Movement of Late Qing
作者 黃華
Author Hua HUANG
關鍵詞 天下、國家、聲音、語音中心主義、傳播情境
Keywords he World, nation-state, voice, phonocentrism, communication situation
摘要 清末切音字運動、言語文化的興起,意味着受到漢字.漢文壓抑的聲音逐漸浮出了歷史地表。本文主要探討以下問題:為何聲音在清末受到重視,言語文化繁榮的背後隱藏着怎樣的社會隱喻,聲音中心主義如何與國族建構過程交織在一起。本文認為:從「天下」到「國家」的轉變過程中,傳播情境的變化使得聲音參與到信息邊界的重構。聲音文化的繁榮切合了當時急切擺脫落後狀態的求快衝動。聲音中心主義造成語言和文字的斷裂,由此國族建構與傳統日益疏離,「新民」僅是一種基於工具性的塑造
Abstract The Phoneticization Movement and speech culture were launched during the Late Qing period. Voices repressed by Hanzi and Hanwen gradually came to the surface of history. This research explores why people paid attention to the voice in the late Qing Dynasty, including what kind of social metaphors were hidden behind the prosperity of speech culture, and how phonocentrism became involved in the process of building the “nation-state.” This research reveals that during the transition from the “world” to the “nation-state,” communication changed in three dimensions and voice participated in the reconstruction of the information boundary. The rise of speech culture was, to some extent, an imitation of the Japanese experience. More importantly, it conformed to the “kuai” consciousness. Phonocentrism led to the cleavage between the modern written language and the classical language; therefore, the construction of the “nation-state” was lacking in reliable contact with the tradition, and the construction of “Xinmin” served the interests of different political groups.


黃華(2014)。〈從「天下」到「國家」:清末語言運動中的「聲音」和言語文化〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第29 期,頁207–233。

Citation of this article:

Huang, H. (2014). From “the world” to “nation-state”: The “voice” and speech culture in the language movement of late Qing. Communication & Society, 29, 207–233.
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