July  2014 29
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
近代知識生產與傳播控制: 以上海書業公所為例(1886–1930)
Knowledge Production and Communication Control: About Shanghai Lithography Association, 1886–1930
作者 許靜波
Author Jingbo XU
關鍵詞 守門人、書業公所、上海石印書業
Keywords Gatekeeper, Shanghai lithography, Shanghai lithography association (shuyegongsuo)
摘要 近代西方科技的引進和傳播是否必然導致傳統行業的全面革新?本文以上海石印公所為對象,分析其對上海近代石印書業的生產管理和行業監督,以期透視出近代知識生產與傳播控制的複雜性。書業行會在傳統中國曾起到知識生產與傳播守門人的作用,而近代社會的變革則要求書業行會的職能需要從傳統意義的「守門人」轉變為新式的「引路人」。上海近代石印書業因引進西方技術而產生,但其行會組織上海書業公所卻具有濃厚的傳統行會風格,既無法按照原來的軌跡因循「守門人」的角色,又無法成為引導行業變革的「引路人」,地位尷尬,處境艱難。書業公所之困鮮明地體現了傳統行會在近代化轉型過程中的矛盾與糾結,整個行業雖然建立在石印這樣一項西方舶來的新技術之上,由於自身能力與規模的有限,所秉持的還是傳統行會限制競爭,穩定同業的思路和理念,職能相對保守,無法在業界發展中發揮太大的作用,故而被時代逐漸淘汰。本文認為,傳統行業的現代轉型不能僅僅依靠新技術的引介,還需要與之配套的一整個體系的共同革新才能最終完成。
Abstract Will the introduction and spread of modern Western science and technology be bound to result in a full-scale reform in the traditional industry? This paper focuses on the study of the Shanghai Lithography Association, analyzing its function of management and supervision of the modern Shanghai lithography industry and endeavoring to reflect the complexity of the production and pervasive influence of modern knowledge. The book guild had played the role of the “gatekeeper” for the production and spread of knowledge in traditional China; however, the change in modern society required it to shift from its original role to that of a “pathfinder.” The modern lithography of Shanghai came into being as a result of the introduction of Western technologies, yet its organization, i.e., the Shanghai Lithography Association (shuyegongsuo), bore a strong resemblance to that of the traditional guilds. It could neither follow the original track of “gatekeeper” nor become the “pathfinder” that would lead the change in the industry, and therefore it was in an awkward and difficult situation. The dilemma of the Shanghai Lithography Association vividly reflects the contradictions and difficulties that the traditional guild was entangled in during the process of transformation brought about by modernization. Though the whole industry was established upon the new technology of lithography introduced from the West, due to its limited capability and size, the Shanghai Lithograph Association still retained the traditional guild’s concept of restricting competition for the purpose of stabilizing the industry. Conservative in its function, it could not play much of a role in the development of the industry, and therefore was phased out. This paper argues that the modern transformation of traditional industry cannot rely solely upon the introduction of new technologies, but also calls for the joint innovation of the whole system of the industry.


許靜波(2014)。〈近代知識生產與傳播控制:以上海書業公所為例(1886–1930)〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第29 期,頁177–206。

Citation of this article:

Xu, J. (2014). Knowledge production and communication control: About Shanghai lithography association, 1886–1930. Communication & Society, 29, 177–206.
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