July  2014 29
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
「科學化國術」民國時期太極拳出版物上 的現代性話語
Scientizing National Arts: Discourse of Modernity on Martial Arts Publication during Republican China
作者 章戈浩
Author during Republican China
關鍵詞 太極拳、出版物、現代性
Keywords Tai Chi Quan, Publication, Modernity
摘要 近年來從社會科學角度對太極拳的研究,側重將其視為傳統中國現代轉型的隱喻,從技擊性的身體實踐,到健身養生之術,繼而成為民族文化的主要象徵物。現代印刷物的出現,有助於太極拳從口傳心授走向大眾傳播。本文基於對民國時期出版的太極拳類圖書的考察,分析其如何作為大眾傳播傳媒,則通過科學話語、商業話語與視覺現代性的呈現,造成了與一般大眾文藝作品與新聞媒體所相有勾連而又不盡相同的現代中國的想像。
Abstract To date, the social scientific research conducted on Tai Chi Quan emphasizes it as a metaphor of traditional China in the process of modernization. It initially served as a bodily discipline for combat, and then later evolved as a method for body building and fitness before finally becoming a cultural symbol of China. The emergence of the modern print industry changed the communication mode of Tai Chi Chuan from interpersonal communication to mass communication. This article is based on the analysis of the books on Tai Chi Quan during the Republican China period and attempts to discover how the representation of scientific discourse, commercial discourse, visual modernity, and the imagination of modern China differs from popular literature and artworks.


章戈浩(2014)。〈「科學化國術」:民國時期太極拳出版物上的現代性話語〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第29 期,頁127–150。

Citation of this article:

Zhang, G. (2014). Scientizing national arts: Discourse of modernity on martial arts publication during Republican China. Communication & Society, 29, 127–150.
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